Posts tagged healing
The Gift Of Health!!

So many of us see lower morbidity or mortality as primary evidence that “health” has improved.  But, how many people who see improvements in their labs are still unsafe, in estranged relationships, full of error, weak, afraid, addicted, stressed, victimized by unjust systems, fooled by the illusion of wealth, feeling incomplete……

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Help. Hope. Healing.

If you are a health professional reading this, it’s time for you to step outside of traditions in medicine and take a look at Lifestyle Medicine…..for the sake of your patients, but more importantly for the focus of the care you provide your patients. 

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Let It Go!!

As we were finishing our morning walk the other day, I slowed down to feel the cool morning breeze and the warm sunshine on my face. As I looked around, I saw a flurry of leaves falling from one of the many trees on our driveway. It was beautiful. I love seeing the change in season from summer to fall. And, as i watched, I was reminded of something I once heard “Fall, shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

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Moms and Mental Health!!

My mom was my best friend!! I know that there are a lot of parents who don’t ascribe to the best friend idea with their children. As a matter of fact, in many homes we hear “I am not not one of your little friends!” LOL. As my mom mothered us we saw love at its best…and she became our BESTEST friend.

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Truth Is, I'm Tired......

If we are really honest, the challenges of the last few years around COVID and the longing for a return to “normal” coupled with the Social (In)Justices we have observed and experienced are on top of the regular challenges that we face. And if we are honest, we are woe out!!

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He’s given us all power and intends for us to access and use it for our benefit and His glory. Will we do that, like the woman with the issue of blood? Or, will we miss the power like the crowd that surrounded her that day……casually brushing by Jesus but never plugging into the POWER!!!! Power to change everything in our lives!!!

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It's YOUR Health!!

I’m no longer buying that I’m gonna be sick cause momma and daddy were. Genetics may load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. And, every single day, there’s another study that shows how lifestyle choices and simple remedies can change our “genetics” for the better. Don’t believe me? Look up Epigenetics!!!

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