Truth Is, I'm Tired......

If we are really honest, the challenges of the last few years around COVID and the longing for a return to “normal” coupled with the Social (In)Justices we have observed and experienced are on top of the regular challenges that we face.  And if we are honest, we are woe out!!  Many of us have probably been seeking ways to alleviate and/or numb our pain. And while those choices bring temporary relief,  we all know how dangerous some of those choices can be. Drugs including tobacco and alcohol, eventually wear off, so there’s that; while having sex with multiple sex partners may be thrilling it ain’t no good for you; the countless array of processed, sugar-laden, fat-filled products that we call food do absolutely nothing but damage to the body temple; and while we spend hours observing the madness of others through media, when the credits roll, our hearts are still empty......and we are still woe out!!

So, today I want you to take a look at what motivates, propels, drives you to make the choices you make when you are woe out and you know that harm can come from some of those choices.  And, when you get to that answer, you might start seeking a different solution.  I had to face my choices and their impact on my health after my breast cancer diagnosis.   It was then that I honestly admitted to myself that my heart was hurting, my spirit was tired and I was medicating my pain, which was only addressing symptoms.  And that’s when my spiritual habits experienced a “course correction”.

I decided that it meant nothing to be a believer in the Creator God if I didn’t by faith, let Him manage what He had created.  I needed to intentionally engage in a personal and meaningful relationship with Him.  I needed Him to make me spiritually healthy too!!

How do you do it?

-Schedule time EVERY DAY for “spirit” time.  You may need to start small - 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening, increasing time as you go.

-Use that time to focus on YOU through 

-Praise - confess, give thanks, throw, cast*

-Meditation - moan, growl, utter, mutter, speak*

-Worship - bow down*

-Study - Endeavor, give diligence, exert one’s self*

-Pray without ceasing - Talk to Him all day long - put forth thoughts, meditate*

-Keep record of your progress and the impact on your life through journaling, sharing with others, jotting down blessings /victories and keeping them in a jar, etc.

*Greek/Hebrew Definitions

Depending on how much time you plan, you can actually study from spiritual books (see suggestions below), add worship/praise music, find an audio book to listen to while driving, find an internet devotional, find a spiritual book that addresses something you are struggling with - forgiveness, co-dependence, sadness, guilt, overeating, financial management, interpersonal relationships, etc. Talk to a therapist.  Recognize that the journey is just that......a journey and that you will learn more and more about yourself and continue to make progress……even in the midst of circumstances that don’t seem to change………..and, every round goes higher and higher.

I promise you, it will change your life.  You will be able to face with renewed faith the challenges that come your way and begin to see healing and victory.  It will be a faith that seems unrealistic to many.  But it is a faith that will not fail, and will encourage your soul!!  Then, one day, you will with great joy share your testimony  of how you got to where you are with someone else to help them on their way.   

Suggested Resources for study - The Holy Bible, Women of Color Devotional Bible, Devotionals, Get Unrealistic - Debleaire Snell, Couples Devotional - David & Teresa Ferguson, Enemies of the Heart, Visioneering - Andy Stanley, Ministry of Healing - Ellen G. White, Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart-David and Beverly Sedlacek, Anatomy of the Soul - Curt Thompson, Children’s Devotionals online  or on mobile device for the car ride. That’s right, include your children. They will be equipped with the skills for spirit health.

Yaaaassss!!!  You’re gonna be shoutin’ I tell ya!!! 3John2 Happy Wellness Wednesday!!

Have a Spiritually Healthy Day!!!

I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!


#tired #woeout #spirit #healing #faith #unrealisticfaith #praise #meditation #worship #study #prayer #victory #wellnesswednesday #cookinupgoodhealth #stillshoutinovahere #minorityhealthawareness #blackhealthmatters #creator