Posts tagged prayer
Still Shoutin' Ova Here!!!

I was told by my physicians that because I was 37 and Black and the cancer was aggressive and had spread (6 of 17 lymph nodes) that the most they could guarantee me to live was 2-5 years max…… I got to thinking……I believe in a Creator God who MADE me!!! And, it was kind of hard for me to believe that He would determine my ethnicity and date of birth and make that a Risk Factor for disease and death!!!

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Truth Is, I'm Tired......

If we are really honest, the challenges of the last few years around COVID and the longing for a return to “normal” coupled with the Social (In)Justices we have observed and experienced are on top of the regular challenges that we face. And if we are honest, we are woe out!!

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I'm STILL Shoutin' Ova Here!!!

It’s Minority Cancer Awareness Week and this past weekend, I had the privilege of spending some time with cancer survivor Ruby Lathon, PhD during the live stream of Lifestyle Medicine: The Science of Making Man Whole. As we talked, I realized that between the 2 of us Black women, we have 41 years of Cancer Survivorship.

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It's YOUR Health!!

I’m no longer buying that I’m gonna be sick cause momma and daddy were. Genetics may load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. And, every single day, there’s another study that shows how lifestyle choices and simple remedies can change our “genetics” for the better. Don’t believe me? Look up Epigenetics!!!

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