It's YOUR Health!!
Heading to Freedom (National Geographic)
We’re almost at the end of Black History Month. We’ve celebrated the accomplishments of Black folk in this country. Black folk who braved the dogs and the whips and the night travel to freedom. Black folk who were sick and tired of their circumstances and defied the odds. Black folk who wanted to relieve us of the odds against us and give the rest of us a chance at equity. Black folk who wanted to lead us OUT of our circumstances and into a better life!! Black folk who created things that made life better. Black folk who ministered to our souls!! Are you motivated? Are you ready to make some changes…..for the culture?
At the beginning of the month, I shared that “the theme this year for Black History Month is Black Health and Wellness. The theme acknowledges the legacy of not only Black scholars and medical practitioners in Western medicine, but also other ways of knowing (e.g., birth-workers, doulas, midwives, naturopaths, herbalists, etc.) throughout the African Diaspora. The 2022 theme considers activities, rituals and initiatives that Black communities have done to be well.”
As I thought about our history and our health, I was thrilled that “other ways of knowing” that Black folk have practiced for generations, was also being acknowledged. For many years, we were banned from access to health care by racism. (I know of one story among many, about a woman named Lucy Byard, where Howard University came to the rescue.) And, many of the “remedies” we had t ouse were the best we had for the situation we were in. And, they provided results!!
Since the evolution of modern medicine, there has definitely been a lot of information that has been learned. And, it does a great job with acute conditions. However, it seems that a lot of it is “sick care” instead of “health care”. And, while we now have access, the quality of care is still jaded by racism with numbers for the health of Black Folk still being disparately represented.
So, I’m challenging you to look up Lifestyle Medicine. And, then I want you take another close look at our traditions of care and the SCIENCE behind them. That’s right!! While not promoted as mainstream, turns out the remedies we used that included garlic and yellow root and hydrotherapy and poultices and “settin’ outside” and prayer (laying on of hands) are now being confirmed by SCIENCE. And, not only do these rituals help to prevent disease, they also hope to reverse it. It’s not willy, nilly.
I’m no longer buying that I’m gonna be sick cause momma and daddy were. Genetics may load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. And, every single day, there’s another study that shows how lifestyle choices and simple remedies can change our “genetics” for the better. Don’t believe me? Look up Epigenetics!!! While we are certainly dealt the “genes that come from our parents, we are now learning that how those genes are expressed can be affected by both negative/poor choices or positive/good choices. And, it’s not just about chronic disease, though there are some great studies about that. Sometimes, just deciding to create a healthy environment while pregnant and/or raising young children can make them more fit for life.
Change the way your genes express themselves.
What would our communities’ health look like if we:
-introduced our mentally ill to mental health experts that looked like them?
-started exercising, regularly, together?
-stopped drinking alcohol and using tobacco?
-went back to a primarily plant powered diet?
-created opportunities for “self-care” for ourselves and others?
-added green spaces to our communities?
-trained more midwives to support our women through pregnancy to healthy outcomes?
-showed our folk how to raise their own food?
-broke the man code and treated our women with dignity and respect and called out brothers who didn’t?
-referred to Black Health Care Professionals to care for our people? Graduates of Historically Black Medical Schools perform best on Social Mission.
-stood firm in the truth about the history of Black Christianity versus that which is promoted as Christianity today?
-practiced what we preached?
WE are the answer to the change we want to see. WE have what we need. And, I wanna believe that with the way things are going now in America, it may actually be the time to be just that. You with Harriet or nah?
What yawl gon do?
After all, if you don’t make the changes, it’s YOUR Health that will suffer the most. And, that’s not how I wanna go out!! IJS!!
Let’s continue to do our part to make our communities well!! Beyond Black History Month!! One Healthy Choice at a time!! Happy Wellness Wednesday!!
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
“Then Isaiah said, Prepare a poultice of figs. They did so and applied it to the boil, and he recovered.” 2Kings 20:7
“And, the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2
“And, the prayer of faith will save the sick.” James 5:15
#blackhistorymonth #blackhealthandwellness #plantation #harriet #wellness #choices #cookinupgoodhealth #herbalists #midwives #lifestylemedicine #healing #rituals #prayer #faith #wellnesswednesday #epigenetics