Still Shoutin' Ova Here!!!

I was told by my physicians that because I was 37 and Black and the cancer was aggressive and had spread (6 of 17 lymph nodes) that the most they could guarantee me to live was 2-5 years max.   They recommended that I needed to do chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, more chemotherapy, radiation and tamoxifen-for five years, if I wanted to survive it.  And, that most of the women who did that protocol died anyway.  Well, of course I was devastated!!!  But when I could breathe again I got to thinking……I believe in a Creator God who MADE me!!!  And, it was kind of hard for me to believe that He would determine my ethnicity and date of birth and make that a Risk Factor for disease and death!!!

Soooo, I decided that I would do my due diligence in researching my options.  I had spent my professional career up to that point as a health educator teaching others how to better their lives and now it was my turn to take care of myself.  The more research I did, the more I discovered that there was a whole lot I could personally do to improve my status and reduce my risk for recurrence…..via healthy lifestyle choices.  And, I was affirmed in my faith over and over again as I read studies about the positive impact my prayers/faith could have on my health.

After six months I went to get results and the doctor’s news was that things were not going as well as they had hoped.  I had a little talk with Jesus, threw myself a birthday party and kept doing what I was doing…….walking by faith and not by sight!! At my nine months visit, I asked to see my records and discovered that according to my records/blood tests I HAD indeed improved at 6 months and the 9 months report said I was doing even better.  As a matter of fact, my results  exceeded what would have happened had I done everything they prescribed.  And, that’s when the SHOUTIN’ started!!!  Yaaaasssss!!!!

Okay, you can read the whole story in my books, but what I want you to get is that even if you are reading this and do NOT have breast cancer…….if you or someone you love does…..OR if you or someone you love is experiencing the ravages of another chronic disease… Your daily choices…..the ones you are in charge of can make a difference.  My choices to treat the diagnosis of breast cancer included a course of radiation and the following:

-Unwavering Faith relationship with the Creator God through prayer, meditation, and worship!!  I am not a bundle of risk factors.  I am His creation and my body is His temple and I will choose to treat it as such. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…….I will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord.

-Removal of all things toxic/stressful that were weighing me down and stressing me out, even if I had to let go of some relationships. “Lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and run with patience the race that is before us.”

-Consuming a plant-based diet that is free from irritating substances and full of health promoting, disease preventing and reversing properties. “Whatsoever you eat, or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

-Began a walking routine outside in the fresh air and sunlight, where there are plenty of healing properties.  “And, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with Healing in His wings.”

Started drinking pure water……and lots of it.  And used it externally in hot baths, hot/cold showers, hot packs to improve circulation and my immune system. “And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely…….Go and wash in the Jordan seven times.”

-Moved my bedtime back to 9:00-9:30 instead of close to midnight.  Found out that its during that time that the body and brain get the best rest and repair. AND, once a week on the Sabbath I take a 24 hour break that adds up to almost 7 weeks vacation a year!!!  Science is even confirming now that they notice a rest pattern throughout nature on the 7th day. “Come unto me and I will give you rest…..thou shalt lie down and thy sleep shall be sweet.”

Been Shoutin’ now for about 26 years.  See, not only was the breast cancer healed…..a lot of other challenges I was facing were also healed and I wasn’t even aiming to treat them.  In addition, I have seen others with a variety of health challenges receive healing and get to shoutin’!!!  And, sometimes, while physical healing was denied…..soul healing was received and will last throughout eternity!!  It’s all about your choices!!  Choose a lifestyle for better health!!  Celebrate Healthy Living this October.  It’s the start of a new season in your life.  You can course correct and get to shoutin’ too!!!  Yaaassssss!!!

You Better Shout!!  Healing for Your Soul!!  It’s Wellness Wednesday Yawl!!

I’m Still Shoutin Ova Here!1


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