Posts tagged blackwomenandbreastcancer
Still Shoutin' Ova Here!!!

I was told by my physicians that because I was 37 and Black and the cancer was aggressive and had spread (6 of 17 lymph nodes) that the most they could guarantee me to live was 2-5 years max…… I got to thinking……I believe in a Creator God who MADE me!!! And, it was kind of hard for me to believe that He would determine my ethnicity and date of birth and make that a Risk Factor for disease and death!!!

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Change Your Choices, Change Your Health!! Let's Beat Breast Cancer!!!

My primary doc warned me that I shouldn’t tell people that if they changed their choices that they could change their health……but now I didn’t just know this theoretically. I was living it experientially and it was Somethin’ To Shout About!!!

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