Help. Hope. Healing.
I just came from one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time. Sponsored by Healthy Heart Nation and The Plantrician Project, The first annual HELP (Health Equity and Lifestyle Project) Conference was convened as an opportunity to “explore the critical relationship between social determinants of health, health disparities and the role of evidence-based, lifestyle medicine as a critical and underutilized tool in addressing health disparities and reversing the chronic disease burden trend.”
Well, they did that.
And, since I have worked my entire career to address disparities in health, I left the conference excited and confirmed of a few things.
Panel discussion on Mental Health with Kenny Anderson, MS, Ayesha Sherzai, MD and Dean Sherzai, MD
Faith in the creator God is a core value of communities of color (that whole evolution theory doesn’t work well for us). If that is not recognized and respected in the health care that is provided for them, it’s going to be harder to improve their outcomes.
Black folk are really sensitive to and discerning of unfair medical care. They do much better when treated by someone who looks like them.
Communities of color believe in the use of products from the earth as necessary for better health. Often called natural remedies/herbbal medicine, for years they have utilized them. And, in Black communities, they depended on natural remedies/herbal medicine as equal access to health care was denied them because of rules in place driven by racism.
Given the chance to eat plant powered diets that are culturally relevant, communities of color will stay with the diet longer and have better health outcomes.
The constant presence and impact of racism continues to be a contributing factor to the stress of Black folk and the chronic health conditions they develop related to stress.
The value of healthy relationships/connection is now being recognized as critical to better health outcomes.
More and more health care professionals are recognizing the role of “lifestyle medicine” as the foundation for health and health care and therapeutic care for chronic disease. They realize that traditional medical care address symptoms instead of causes and are working diligently to empower their patients to take charge of their health!!
I listened to cardiologist Baxter Montgomery, MD ( share how lifestyle has helped his patients headed for dialysis, make a u-turn and avoid it altogether. Dr. Naa-SoloTettey, Associate Professor of Public Health at William Patterson University and founder/director of the HealthSmarts program shared how her faith-based approach to health has made serious inroads into the communities she serves. Her clients are happily stunned to find out what the Bible says about health and are willing to embrace better health choices to improve their body temple. Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai brought all the receipts about mental wellness and lifestyle choice. They are co-directors of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Their work and research aim to reduce/prevent diseases of the brain with a focus on lifestyle modification. They use the acronym NEURO to promote simple choices to their clients that can transform their lives and protect their brain.
April Is Minority Health Awareness Month.
Columbus Batiste, MD, Cardiologist
We are pretty confident that your choices can impact your health outcomes.
If you are a health professional reading this, it’s time for you to step outside of traditions in medicine and take a look at Lifestyle Medicine…..for the sake of your patients, but more importantly for the focus of the care you provide your patients. Next time you need some CEU’s, look for some related to lifestyle medicine. It will transform your life and your patient care.
If you are not a health are professional and are reading this, decide today to accept nothing but a healthcare provider who understands the value of lifestyle and culture and faith. They will give you the support and evidenced based care that will transform your life. Ask me how I know!!
The Great Physician’s greatest wish for us is that of health - 3John2.
He doesn’t want you on medicine for the rest of your life, losing limbs, and stressed out by the medical care system. He wants to give you Help, Hope and Healing.
It’s your body temple.
Time to UP the Care Plan.
Wishing you everything you need to take charge of your health and receive God’s Greatest wish for YOU!!
It’s First Thursday Yawl!!
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
#firstthursday #plantpowered #nationalminorityhealthmonth #healthdisparities #HELPConference #HELPisontheway #cookinupgoodhealth #hope #help #healing #neuro #brainhealth #bodytemple #faith #stillshoutinovahere
Connecting with Rodney McKeever, MD and Terry Mason, MD. #lifestylemedicine