PHYT for Your Life!!!
Author Donna Green-Goodman inhaling the aromatherapy benefits of parsley. #phytforyourlife
As I was building my arsenal of weapons to fight breast cancer 28 years ago, I came across an article by Herb Pierson, of the National Cancer Institute. He was doing a study on “phytochemicals” contained ONLY in plant foods that have formed the basis of folkloric recipes to evaluate the levels and effects of those phytochemicals on human health. He wanted to see if they could really prevent clots, prevent expression of cancer and prevent osteoporosis, among other things.
I was stunned.
I had worked in a Cancer Prevention Project at Morehouse School of Medicine before my diagnosis so I was familiar with how dietary choice can impact health outcome. While in college, I minored in Nutrition and did some amazing research with one of the Chemistry professors on the benefit of a plant powered diet. Until this point, however, I had not even heard of phytochemicals and could not believe what I was hearing.
As I looked more closely I realized that Herb Pierson was posturing that these phytochemicals - we now know as lycopene and garlicin and resveratrol and limonene and sulforaphane, to name a few - were changing the body’s state of health…….literally. I zeroed in on the benefits to cancer and OMG. (see pic). In the almost 30 years since I found this research, it is being confirmed over and over again that if you want to really “phyt for your life” you need to pile on the plant foods.
What exactly are phytochemicals?
Phytochemicals are biologically active chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants. (Phyto means “plant” in Greek). They provide color, texture, flavor and a defense system for the plants against microorganisms and insects/
Phytochemicals are the molecules responsible for the color and organoleptic properties (properties affecting the organs and the senses). For example, the deep purple color of blueberries and the smell of garlic. The term is generally used to refer to those chemicals that may affect health, but are not established as essential nutrients.[1]
Scientists estimate that there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of different phytochemicals that are considered beneficial in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, and heart disease. With many in one food alone and in multiple foods as well.
Although certain phytochemicals are available as dietary supplements, research suggests that their health benefits are best obtained through the consumption of whole plant foods.
So, I went shopping with a totally different motivation. I was looking for foods that provided all to this “phyting” power and was determined to fill up on as many as I could. Funny thing, a lot of those foods, garlic, citrus foods, watermelon, beans, greens, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, beans, were things I already ate. And, I loved the flavor of parsley and basil and rosemary and sage, so I started an herb garden. And, baby!! To watch my body respond to the “phyting” power of a plant powered diet was miraculous to me.
Herbs and fruit from the Goodman Garden at The Ponderosa. #phytforyourlife
As I kept eating and sharing and studying about phytochemicals, it was clear……all types of health challenges can be benefitted by the phytochemicals in plants. And, if you are already healthy and disease free, these same foods can keep you healthy!!! What a BLESSING!!!
Soooooo, what can this info do for you?
If you’re facing chronic illness, search phytochemicals that benefit your condition.
If you have a list of favorite foods, search to see what their phytochemical benefit is. Then eat up!!
If you’re looking to see the naturally occurring phytochemical benefit of animal/animal products, don’t waste your time. It ain’t there. These are PLANT chemicals my friend.
If you decide to “phyt for your life” and eat more plants, watch out. It doesn’t take long to see the benefit.
If you want to pick your own organic, non-GMO, phytochemical filled foods, plant yourself a garden!!
And, if you need recipes……I got you!!
It’s National Nutrition Month Yawl!
PHYT for your Life!!
You Deserve It!!
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
#phytochemicals #phytforyourlife #phytforyourhealth #phyt #plantpowered #nationalnutritionmonth #lycopene #letsbeatbreastcancer #beatchronicdisease #reversechronicdisease #growagarden #eatplants #cookinupgoodhealth #stillshoutinovahere #firstthursday
Author’s husband Eddie picking greens from the Goodman Garden at the Ponderosa. #phytforyourlife