MAYbe It's Time You Finally Get Some Help!!

I’ve been talking to a couple girlfriends of mine recently about the value of getting some therapy.  Lord knows it’s been helpful for me.  There’s so much more information available today that can help explain a lot of what many of us have experienced and/or are continuing to experience.  But, the first step is admitting that some things have happened and you need help.

As I spoke with my friends, one of them voiced how happy she was to FINALLY feel free from the burdens she’d carried for so long.  The things she had endured were actually traumatic.  They had totally sent her into insecurity and shame and religious traditions/behaviors in an effort to self-soothe.  But, what she’d discovered was that those traumatic events had left their mark on her soul and she really needed to unwrap them in a safe environment, address them and heal from them.  As she began the work, it led her to a place where she can now help others who have lived the same truth as she has.

When you’re going through traumatic events, you may know that they are wrong, but you may not actually realize that they are traumatic……cause it’s normal in your family/community.  Some time ago, I found the ACE Study and was shocked to discover what is viewed as trauma.  The study which was done in 1998 describes Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that happen between ages 0 and 17. These negative experiences affect a child’s brain and health as they grow into adults. ACEs can lead to mental health or chronic health conditions. Lifelong treatment and management of ACEs help a person lead a fulfilling life.

As we experience the impact of those ACEs borne out in poor mental health or chronic health conditions, ie., diabetes, asthma, hypertension, etc., we seek help from medical professionals who are treating the symptoms we present, without addressing the cause.  Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris discovered that her practice needed an overhaul, if she was going to really help transform her patients lives.  She even connects racism as a strong ACE that impacts life.  Her TED Talk is powerful and very informative.  Health professionals should really take a second look.

My mom grew up during an era when speaking about what was bothering you or had happened to you or what was weighing you down, was not part of the equation or normal conversation.  If you got married and/or had children and were committed to doing what was best for them… sacrificed your self and did for your family.  And, I am positive that there were millions of women like my mom walking around heavy and tired and hurt and broken, doing the best they could until they didn’t have to anymore.

We don’t have to live that life.

Help is here.

And, you are a decision away from grasping it and healing and living your best life.

If you are a “religious/person of faith”, don’t count out the value of your faith.  There are certainly some traditions that feed into adverse experiences that wound.  Definitely get rid of those.  But, realize that our cultural practice of relying on the preacha and discounting the therapist ain’t really helped a lot of people.  I actually posit, that if you look closely at scripture, Jesus himself did a lot of miraculous healing of disease AND mental/emotional therapy.  Take a second look at the stories of the woman at the well, Nicodemus, the men who set up the woman in adultery and brought her to Jesus…….  He met each of those situations with honesty and helped to point out what else was going on in their lives and what they needed to do going forward.  Christian trauma therapist Kobe’ Campbell includes faith/God in her trauma therapy.  Her new book Why Am I Like This, resonates with readers as she helps to unwrap trauma in the light of faith.

My husband and son and I have felt the impact of trauma in our own family.  We have found therapists that fit us and we are doing the work.  Unless it is healed, it’s passed on for generations. We are thankful too have found the help we needed.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  MAYbe it’s time for you to finally get some help. Don’t wait another minute.  Find a professional today!!  Find you a good book that aids your journey.  Another great one is The Body Keeps The Score.  And, by all means, lean into Jesus……the one who loves you and wants you to be healed and whole.  I’m cheering for you and for better days ahead.

Mental Health Awareness Month.  Get You Some Help.  You are Worth It.  It’s First Thursday Yawl!!

I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova here!!


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