It’s that time of year again when the world is reminded of the Great Sacrifice through the Christian Celebration of the Death, Burial and Glorious Resurrection of Jesus the Christ.  For many the actual celebration begins on Ash Wednesday with the spirit of sacrifice during 40 Days of Lent.  During that time believers “sacrifice” some behavior(s) through prayer and fasting.   They are inspired by the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness and through surrender often experience better life and health.

As we are now in the middle of Passion/Holy Week, I have been reflecting on the POWER of what Jesus did and how His example and the POWER of the Holy Spirit give me everything I need to overcome and have everything He has promised.  My mind goes to the women who gathered at the tomb on Sunday morning, specifically Mary.  She had received so much from Jesus while He was alive and was devastated at His death.  But, early Sunday morning she was the first to be at the tomb and see her Savior face to face.

I start to play over and over in my mind songs by Richard Smallwood like The Resurrection and Calvary.  And, I’m always inspired by Kirk Franklin’s Don’t Cry.  The details in each of those soul-stirring pieces makes me feel that Christ’s sacrifice for me was way too great for me not to access the life-changing power that He has made available to me.  And, for the last few weeks, I have been stretched in my Faith Experience through the Biblical Teaching Series Unrealistic Faith.

As we near closer to the weekend, families will worship and break bread together.  Many of those families that look like me will sit around and reminisce about things unique to them, talk about loved ones no longer at the gathering and make plans for how they will continue to connect as a family.  I wonder though, if they will actually realize, discuss and access the POWER that is available to them from the One whom they celebrate.  He’s given us all power and intends for us to access and use it for our benefit and His glory.  Will we do that, like the woman with the issue of blood?  Or, will we miss the power like the crowd that surrounded her that day……casually brushing by Jesus but never plugging into the POWER!!!!  Power to change everything in our lives!!!

This Good Friday, I am hosting an event during my college homecoming weekend.  I’m doing it because I really want folk to know that even when it seems like everything has died……dreams, visions, relationships, health…..there is hope.  I’m also doing it because my friend and I are concerned that so many of those we love are leaving here prematurely.  And, I want folk to know that the same Jesus who resurrected Himself, can resurrect your health.  His greatest wish is that we prosper and be in Health.  And, He has all POWER to make it happen.  (2 ways to join - Facebook OR YouTube)

I’m watching our patients get resurrected from poor health.  They’ve been told that they’ll be on dialysis forever; that their vision is too far gone;  that they need to have the amputation; that they can’t get off their meds.  And, all I can think about is the POWER that The Great Physician has and how He can fix it.  And, as my patients are resurrected they are running around telling any who will listen.  Which is what Jesus the Christ commissioned His followers to do.  Tell others about how powerful He is and how they can experience it too.

I want that Power.  I want to be able to help to restore the people I love so much in the midst of the disparate circumstances that we face…….so that earrrrly Sunday morning……we too can be raised from the bed of our circumstances and walk in the newness of LIFE!!!

Don’t know what you’re planning to serve your loved ones for dinner as you celebrate the Resurrection, but I would be derelict in my duty to you if I didn’t share some options that will actually bring health to them.  And, at the very least offer some options for your family members who eat healthy now!!  Get some Holiday Menu ideas here.  And, get that death out the pot.

Powerful Blessings to you this Resurrection Season!!  He’s Not Dead!!  He Rose!!  Happy Wellness Wednesday!!  

Still Shoutin’ Ova Here


“As many as received Him, to them gave He POWER.”   John 1:12

#resurrection #resurrectionSunday #power #HeRose #earlysundaymorning #restoration #healing #faith #unrealisticfaith #cookinupgoodhealth #lifestylemedicine #wellnesswednesday #GoodFriday