Posts tagged fall
Hello Fall!! Goodbye Allergies!!

Had a great walk this morning!!  Seems like the weather is changing and it will soon be Fall.  After the horribly hot summer we had here in Alabama, we are definitely looking forward to cooler days and crisp nights.  But, for some of us, with great Fall weather comes Fall pollen and another round of allergy season. Achoo!!

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Let It Go!!

As we were finishing our morning walk the other day, I slowed down to feel the cool morning breeze and the warm sunshine on my face. As I looked around, I saw a flurry of leaves falling from one of the many trees on our driveway. It was beautiful. I love seeing the change in season from summer to fall. And, as i watched, I was reminded of something I once heard “Fall, shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

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Farewell Sweet Summer!!

It’s the official last full week of summer. And, the summer growing season is winding down too. I’m looking forward to cooler temps and the leaf color change on the many trees on our property. It’s been a hot one this year and I’m ready to open up the windows and enjoy those cool evening breezes.

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