This Is How We Do It!! Beating Childhood Obesity!!!

Yawl remember when that Essence cover featuring Barack and Michelle Obama hit the internet!! Baabeee!! I don’t know how you missed it, but if you didn’t see it, you need to look it up.  Mercy!!! is one of the few words I heard in reaction to the photo!!  As a middle-aged African-American woman I thought…..Whew Jesus!!  Now, this is how you do it…..hips and all!!  Work. It.  Fit and Fabulous and Fully Comfortable with what the Good Lord gave you!!!  And, honestly Barack and Michelle Obama have not only set the standard, but they. have. lived. it.

September is Childhood Obesity Prevention Awareness Month and former President Obama made the following statement then as part of his Presidential Proclamation. It served as a great reminder to those of us who are interested in the health of our children:

“ This year, as we observe National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, let us renew our commitment to giving America's daughters and sons a healthy start in life. Let us continue to encourage parents and caregivers to make nutritious choices and help their children do the same, improve access to healthy and affordable foods in our communities and our schools, and promote active lifestyles. We must each do our part to reduce childhood obesity and empower our children to reach for the brighter, healthier future they deserve.”  (

I know, some of yawl are thinking, “But I don’t have the resources that Michelle and Barack Obama had.  They had staff and an entire “Let’s Move” organization.  Please.  Stop.  It.  The best way to help improve the health of our children is to make better choices and model it.  Period.  And, as the Obamas have done it, Malia and Sasha reflect those same healthy images.

So, what can you do to change the course of the children in your life?  How do you Do It?

Decide - to make better health choices (nutrition and physical activity) for you and your family.  You’re the adult.  You make the rules.  It may take some self-denial and self-discipline, but you can do it.

Open - up your family to the wonderful world of healthy living.  There are plenty resources now and you can start at The CDC  And, google healthy electronic resources for kids.

Incorporate - more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts/seeds into the family diet.  When bought in season, they really are more affordable.  And, if you don’t believe me, just add up the cost of the “junk foods” in your cupboards and compare the prices to a 5 pound bag of potatoes, or a bunch of collard greens, or a water bottle that can be filled and re-filled at home.  Put the  money you actually save into a jar for the kids to spend bowling or mini-golfing or buying books.

Turn - on the fun and healthy benefits of movement.  Dance like Beyonce.  Or if you’re religious, like David.  Ride bikes.  Walk the dogs as a family.  Replace the static video games with games of motion and do them with your kids. Enter a 5K or 10K for a cause.  Plant a Fall garden.

Now, go look at that picture again.  Find one that you can display for your family to see.  Tell them that these are your family goals and it’s time for you all to make those body temples Fit and Fabulous.  Remember, if you’ve been alive since 1988, you have seen a First Family that Practices what they Preach!!  And this month, as we celebrate Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, you can be part of the choices that empower and can change your life and the lives of our children and the obesity trends in this country.  Come on now.  Let’s Do It!!  Yes, you can!!

Reverse Childhood Obesity!  Get to Steppin’!!  It’s Wellness Wednesday Yawl!!

Lissenn!!  I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!


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