About That Prostate!! Man UP!!!
In my work as a health educator, I often do community presentations on health. Unless they are part of another scheduled program, they are usually filled mostly with women. Men are not lining up or breaking down doors to come and hear about how to improve their health. BUT, if you are talking about their ability to perform sexually.......and they can make the connection between healthy lifestyle choices and their sexual performance.....it’s been my experience that their interest peaks.
Soooo, about that prostate!!
“The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body. The prostate secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. During ejaculation, the prostate squeezes this fluid into the urethra, and it's expelled with sperm as semen.” (WebMD) Early prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms. But more advanced prostate cancers can sometimes cause symptoms, such as:
-Problems passing urine, including a slow or weak urinary stream or the need to urinate more often, especially at night.
-Blood in the urine
-Trouble getting an erection (erectile dysfunction)
-Pain in the hips, back (spine), chest (ribs), or other areas from cancer that has spread to bones
-Weakness or numbness in the legs or feet, or even loss of bladder or bowel control from cancer pressing on the spinal cord. (American Cancer Society)
*African-American men have the highest incidence rate for prostate cancer in the United States (National Cancer Institute)
*47.8% of African American men are obese, which exceeds the total national average of 34.9%. Obesity is now recognized as a risk factor for prostate cancer. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
*While there is no proven prostate cancer prevention strategy.......exercise and healthier food choices (low in fat and hight in plant foods) can reduce your risk. (Mayo Clinic).
*After a diagnosis of and treatment for prostate cancer, sexual performance is affected. (As it is after a diagnosis of hypertension and/or taking medications for hypertension.)
You can make these simple choices starting right now to reduce your risk and improve your recovery!
Exercise daily.
Lose weight.
Eat a more plant-based diet. Stay away from high fat, grilled animal and processed foods.
Get rid of that tobacco - dip, chew, snuff or putt.
Get that prostate exam. The pain associated it with it is worth the pleasure you can experience because you took control.
Take time to find a practitioner that you are comfortable with. Two of my favorite urologists are excellent care providers who care about the whole person. And, they are committed to the value of making healthier choices.
Visit these links to learn about them. James Bennett, MD M. Leon Seard, MD
This Men’s Health Month--Man UP!! Do the hard stuff so you can be all that!!!! While my husband has not had any indications of prostate problems as of yet....he is facing the challenges associated with aging. I’m watching him make the hard choices and get results!! That’s right!! You betta know this gurl right here is cheering him on!!
Man UP!!! Eat right!! Exercise Daily!! Then reap the reward!!! Get the Test!!
Man UP!!!!
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
#menshealthmonth #prostatehealth #gettheexam #psa #dre #changeyourchoices #cookinupgoodhealth #manup