Get Healthy! Man UP! Stop the Violence!!

“June is National Men’s Health Month! This month is all about encouraging the men in your life (including you, men out there!) to take care of their bodies by eating right, exercising, and working to prevent disease. The official symbol for the month is a blue ribbon and the purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases including cancer, heart disease, and depression.” Men’s Health Month

While all of this is wonderful, one thing that is not listed in the discussion of men being healthy, is  domestic violence.......not one word!!  I am appalled.  I am convinced that no matter how much exercise, sleep, healthy food, preventive visits to the doctor a man makes.......he is NOT healthy if he is assaulting those he claims to love.   Apparently, the problem of domestic violence is not integral to men’s health!!!!!  WHAAATTT!?!?!? A Travesty!!!!

Well, here’s my two cents.  Healthy Men do NOT Abuse!!.  Period!!  If you are gonna MAN UP, you need to make sure that abuse is NOT part of your mantra.  Children learn what they live and if they live with violence, they are more apt to be violent.  Men are pivotal in changing the narrative by modeling healthy behaviors that are non-violent - communication, problem solving, compassion, grace, discipline, self-control, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, truth.  And, offer space for healing and growth.


  • Become a committee of ONE that works to break the reputation that goes with the “macho-image.” MAN UP!!!!!

  • NEVER use assault/violence/intimidation in your relationships with those you love-- significant other, children, etc.

  • If you have a tendency, personal history or family history of violence GET HELP. Locate a professional resource to help you with conflict resolution/anger management.

  • If you are in a situation and begin to feel the urge to respond in an abusive manner.....walk away and cool off.

  • Model tenderness, compassion, kindness to your significant other especially when there are children that you influence.

  • Teach your boys that MANNING UP does NOT mean being violent and tough!!

  • Teach your girls that they do not accept ANY form of abuse - physical, mental, sexual or emotional

  • Eliminate any substances that alter your state of mind -- alcohol and other drugs

  • Develop a strong sense of self-worth

  • Consider finding a place of worship that does not condone abuse. Religious organizations can sometimes misapply some scripture......IJS.

  • Stop the Violence! Get Healthy!!

  • Man UP!!!!

I’ve got some stuff to say about your prostate.....but Imma save that for later!!  Man UP!!

Get Healthy!!  Man UP!!  Stop the Violence!!  It’s Wellness Wednesday!!

I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!


#menshealthmonth #domesticviolence #stoptheviolence #behealthy #bewhole #manup #cookinupgoodhealth #love #stillshoutinovahere #wellnesswednesday