Before You Fire Up That Grill!!!
Seasoned Potatoes and Green Beans
Vegan Smoked Chicken Drumsticks
Memorial Day Weekend!!! The “unofficial” start to summer is almost here. I’m sure many of you are chilling and grilling and perhaps even counting how many summer gatherings you can have with your friends. I’m already smelling the charcoal in my neighborhood. All some folk need is a little bit of heat and they’re out there on the grill.
Well, before you get too excited, consider this.......what you serve your guests, no matter how delicious, can be beneficial or detrimental to their health. Yeah, while we once recommended grilling above frying, there is evidence now that it can actually be a primary cause of cancer.
In a study about African-American men, prostate cancer and chicken that I read several years ago, I found out the following very interesting information.......
Grilled Meat and Prostate Cancer Rate in African-American Men: James Felton and Ken Bogen, researchers at the UC Davis Cancer Center have documented a startling connection between intake of grilled and/or charred chicken and increase risk of prostate cancer among African-American men. Their study has shown that this population, which has the highest prostate cancer rate of any group of men in the world, has a significant dose-response relative to consumption of grilled and/or charred chicken and increase in PSA levels. Simply put, the more grilled and/or charred chicken they ate (20x more than white men) the higher was their PSA. Chicken prepared this way contains a heterocycline known as PhIP which does the damage. Normal safe PSA is <4. PSA for these men>20. (
Surprised by what I found, I kept looking and discovered that the actual heating of the meat is what does the damage!! I mean, chicken wings are a staple in many of our communities, so we can stand to make some adjustments. IJS!!
Cooking Meat at High Temperatures: “When meat is cooked at high temperatures, amino acids react with creatine to form heterocyclic amines, which are thought to cause cancer. That’s why cooking meat by grilling, frying, or broiling is the problem. Grilling is double trouble because it also exposes meat to cancer-causing chemicals contained in the smoke that rises from burning coals and any drips of fat that cause flare-ups. How long the meat is cooked is also a factor in heterocyclic amine formation; longer cooking time means more heterocyclic amines. Depending on the temperature at which it’s cooked, meat roasted or baked in the oven may contain some heterocyclic amines, but it’s likely to be considerably less than in grilled, fried, or broiled meat.” Harvard Health Letter, June 2007
Hmmmm, soooooo, with this information, if you like grilling meats, but want to reduce your risk for cancer, you clearly have an opportunity to use your power of choice. And then you get to take the power over your health back!!!! You don’t have to be a victim of circumstances, family history or bad luck. You can take charge of your choices and your health!!!
In case you didn’t know, you can also grill fruits and veggies. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) grilling fruits and veggies do not produce cancer -causing HCA’s. As a matter of fact, North Dakota Extension Service shares that plant foods are loaded with fiber, anti-oxidants and anti-cancer phytochemicals. Karen Collins, RD, for AICR states that the natural phytochemicals in vegetables stimulate enzymes that can convert HCAs to an inactive, stable form that is easily eliminated from the body.
And, if you’re willing to take a risk, there are lots of plant-based meat alternatives that can be part of your new choices. We do it all the time, and don’t feel deprived in any way!! Some choices are totally plants - like meaty mushrooms, tofu and jackfruit. Or, if you want that meaty taste in your mouth, there are loads of commercial products under a variety of brands that can be satisfying. Check out this new evidence about how some of these products actually benefit the gut. And, by making the choice to eat better, we reduce our risk for cancer and other chronic disease.
Think about it!! Choose health. And, don’t grill to kill!!!
Here are a few of my favs. Visit our YouTube Channel to see how hubby and I heat up our grill. You’re gonna love it.
Veggie Chicken Marinade
1 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
1/2 tablespoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon each - dried dill, dried savory, dried chives
1/2 teaspoon Pepper -Like Seasoning by The Vegetarian Express
1/2 tablespoon Not Chicken Better Than Bouillon - optional
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes - optional
Salt to Taste
Add to your favorite veggie meat substitute or veggies like mushrooms or jack fruit and grill.
YIELD: 1 1/4 cups
Fruit Syrup for Grilling
Your favorite summer fruit (mango is my summer favorite)
1/2 cup Evaporated cane juice crystals (white or brown)
1/2 cup water
Couple pieces of ginger, peeled and sliced OR 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger
Dash of Jamaican allspice, cinnamon, cardamom or coriander
1 tablespoon Earth Balance margarine (optional)
Place sugar in a small saucepan. Add water and stir until dissolved. Add ginger and other optional spices. Bring to a boil. Reduce and simmer to thicken and allow flavorings to blend. Remove from heat and cool. Brush fruit with syrup and place on grill. Cook until desired brownness. ENJOY!!!
Yield: 3/4 cup
Dawn’s Poppin’ Packets
4 veggie fish filets or veggie chicken breasts
1 cup quick cook brown rice
2 cups your favorite veggies (mini carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, summer squash, etc)
2 cups seasoned broth - vegetable broth, chicken-style broth, broth seasoned with Carribbean Spices
Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil or other closed grill proof dish
Tear off 4 sheets of aluminum foil that are about 12-14” long. Lay sheets out separately and spray with vegetable oil. Layer starting with veggie meat, 1/4 cup rice and 1/2 cup veggies. Pull up sides of foil before next step. Carefully pour 1/2 cup of broth into packets. Pull tops together and fold down, leaving about 2 inches of space. Seal tightly and place on grill cooking till rice is tender. YUMMY!!!
Serves 4
Glenda’s Black Bean Burgers
5 cups black beans
3 tablespoons cumin
3 tablespoons onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
1 medium bell pepper
1 medium-large onion
4 tablespoons chicken seasoning
2 tablespoons Bakon Seasoning
1 tablespoon Italian Seasoning
3 tablespoons yeast flakes
1/2 cup quick oats
2 1/2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup salsa
1/2 cup chia seed
Blend beans and other ingredients in a blender adding 1-1 1/2 cups of water (1/2 cup at a time) until you have a firm mixture. Shape into patties. Brown on each side in preheated 400 degree oven on pan that has been covered with 2 tablespoons oil. (You could also bake in a gas grill.) Yield 20-24 patties
Healthy Grilling Season to YOU!! Happy Wellness Wednesday!!
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
#grill #grilling #barbecue #summertime #vegangrill #veggies #cookout #beatcancer #eatplants #plantpowered #memorialday #cookinupgoodhealth #guthealth #holiday #eattolive