Plant Powered!! For Better Health!!!!

It’s been since 2015 when the World Health Organization announced that meat causes cancer.  I had kinda figured that out years ago, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so I was interested to see what they actually had to say.

They pretty much stated that red and processed meat cause cancer.  Every time you eat a serving of around 2 ounces, you increase your risk by 18%.  They categorized the risk as follows:

Group 1 Carcinogenic to Humans (And is in the same category as tobacco as a carcinogen)

Hot Dogs, Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Cold Cuts

Group 2 Probably Carcinogenic to Humans

Red Meat - Beef, Pork, Lamb

Because much of the work I do is health education in nature I went in search of something, anything that would explain simply how this actually happens.  You know, just so I could speak intelligently on the matter and present the science that so many people need to see in order to respect information.  Well, I was not disappointed  Here is what I found:

-Processed meat contains nitrates or nitrites (salt preservatives) that become nitrites in body and can form carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines that can damage DNA.

-When meat is fried, roasted or grilled at high temperatures they produce two compounds that cause cancer in animals - HCA and PAH. (Pan frying is especially bad)

-The molecule that moves iron in the body can initiate the formation of dangerous N-nitroso compounds together with nitrates and nitrates.

-Turkey bacon has not  been proven to be safer. (Time Magazine)

Hmmm, now you know how.  Interested in making some changes?

Well, guess what?!?!?  World Vegan Month kicked off NOVEMBER 1 with World Vegan Day.  There are going to be a lot of options for those looking to boot meat consumption.  And, whatever your motivation - health, mercy to the animals, tired of meat, environmental reasons or faith, google plant powered/based/vegan if you’re interested and you will be amazed at what you find.    I’m sure you will find something to suit your tastes.  There’s a great plant powered mac/cheese recipe at Lifestyle Therapeutix on YouTube, just in time for the Holidays.   And, of course there are so many  plantpowered/vegan influencers who know how to make whatever you decide to eat, taste delish!!

Well, once you’ve done some googling, you might have some decisions to make!! With all of the things that could increase your risk for developing cancer and other chronic diseases, which are you willing to eliminate, and ultimately reduce your risk?  I know…..we all have to die of something…..but, what you choose can significantly affect not just how you die…..but how you live.   For me, it’s my body temple that I am honoring.    If I can reduce my risk for cancer in any way…..I’m gonna do it.  Been there!  Done That!

Success with your Choices!!

Plant Powered for Better Health!!  World Vegan Month!!!  It’s Wellness Wednesday Yawl!!!

I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!

#worldveganmonth #worldveganday #plantpowered #plantbased #forbetterhealth #cookinupgoodhealth #wellnesswednesday #eatplants