Let's Get Physical!!!! #ChoosePT
I’ve always appreciated my husband’s skills as a physical therapist. The first time I went to visit him while we were dating he took me on a tour of his then job at Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehab. I was in awe of his patience and explanations of how he could help so many people find their way back after injury or accident or health event. I’ve watched him take care of his patients over the years whether in a rehab, acute care, long-term, home health or clinic setting. He LOVES helping people get better.
It got personal though as we discovered how therapy could help me after my breast cancer surgery and treatment. One of the treatments he was taught at PT School at theee Tuskegee University (hydrotherapy/contrast baths) wasn’t often used in therapy practice but turned out to be a huge part of fighting the disease as well as relieving the side effects of surgery and treatment. In addition, over the years as my scarring progressed, Physical Therapy has come to the rescue. He now uses it routinely as he treats patients for various conditions.
Physical Therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through hands on care, patient education and prescribed movement.
Physical Therapists help you improve balance to help you avoid or recover from a fall.
Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants work together to help people achieve fitness goals, regain or maintain their independence and lead active lives.
Physical Therapists help stroke victims recover, improve movement and quality of life and help reduce the rate of hospital readmission or death.
Physical Therapists can help design tailored physical activity plans that prevent or improve many chronic conditions.
Physical Therapists can provide effective treatment for osteoarthritis and help reduce dependence on prescription pain medicines.
Physical Therapists can help to improve circulation that relieves pain from neuropathic conditions including diabetic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy and chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. (What we specialize in at our clinic)
Physical Therapists create personalized plans for cancer patients to help manage side effects like pain, fatigue, reduce balance, scarring, strength and endurance. (Another excellent resource https://www.youtube.com/c/cancerrehabpt )
Physical Therapists can help with low back pain and reduce ineffective opioid use.
Physical Therapists can develop a personalized plan to help you manage long-term COVID symptoms and get you back to physical activity when it is safe. (www.apta.org)
Learn More About Beating Diabetic/Peripheral Neuropathy Here
While we often think of Physical Therapy around injury, health events like strokes, post surgery, disability or for pain in knees, hips and backs, in recent years the PT reach is expanding. Like many other health professions are discovering, treating symptoms without addressing the cause really limits the full progression of patients. Identifying the risks associated with the event that brings you to therapy are now being included in patient management. Eddie’s training in the Health Focused Care Certificate Course at UAB has truly strengthened his practice and patient care. The focus on prevention, health promotion and wellness allows therapists to create an holistic approach to their patient care.
At our practice, LIfestyle Therapeutix, we make sure we allow time to discuss the modifiable risk factors that patients can address to improve better outcomes after therapy. Exercise, good sleep, drinking water, managing stress, eating more health promoting foods are a few things that patients can do for better outcomes. As a matter of fact, some patients learn that not drinking enough water impacts the synovial fluid in the joint and contributes to the pain associated with arthritis. Increasing water intake helps significantly in reducing that pain. And, our patients are shocked at how quickly it happens.
If you’re looking to improve your health, take another look at Physical Therapy.
Find one that you trust.
Find one that’s qualified in Health Focused Care.
Make your appointment.
Get ready to experience the Joy that only a Physical Therapist can provide.
Trust me…..I know what those hands can do!!
When it comes to your health, you ALWAYS have a choice.
Choose More Movement. Choose Better Health. Choose Physical Therapy!! It’s Wellness Wednesday Yawl!!
Give us a call today!! 256-704-2352
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
#ChoosePT #choosemoremovement #choosebetterhealth #gettosteppin #ptsdoitwiththeirhands #letsgetphysical #physicaltherapy #cookinupgoodhealth #letsmove #painrelief #rehabworks #nomorepain #wellnesswednesday #tuskegeeuniversity