Pace Yourself!!

Okay!! It’s January 26th!!  How you doing on those New Year Resolutions?  You on target?  You feeling successful?  Are you reaching those goals?  Yaaaayyyy for YOU!!

As I reviewed some info about keeping resolutions, I was surprised to find out however,  that this is about the time in January that MANY people start falling off.  Takes too much time, no longer motivated, too hard, no longer interested, not seeing results and more are given as reasons that they slow down or stop.  And, I get it.  There’s something about starting fresh, new beginnings, another chance to do better.  And, a New Year always brings the chance to make it happen. But, to be honest, sometimes that can get real old, real quick!!

If you’re one of those who is falling off your goals for the year, let’s start again TODAY!!  Take a closer look at where you are and why.  And then, consider the following information as you start over.


When you made your list of resolutions, did you have a plan on how to reach them?

It’s hard to eat healthy with junk food still in your kitchen.

It’s hard to got to bed early, when you continue watching TV late at night.

It’s hard to improve relationships, when you aren’t willing to address your role in them.

It’s hard to improve that credit score, when you keep charging those Amazon purchases.

But, if you revisit your list and PLAN how you will accomplish each goal again, it helps to keep you focused.  And, when you’re focused - practicing mindfulness - you’ll be amazed at what you CAN accomplish.


Was anyone else who believes in you aware of what you resolved for the New Year?  

Let’s face it, sometimes having a group of folk around can be more problems than it’s worth.  But, if you’ve got friends like I do, having them cheering you on, can help you on the days when you think you can’t make it and affirm you on the days that you do.  And, that makes you accountable to the goals you are trying to reach. It also gives you a safe place to fall when you need to reevaluate/readjust the specifics of your journey.   Who’s in your corner?


Struggling to stay focused?  Maybe it’s something you ate!!!

Every single day, I discover another reason to eat more plant foods.  We all know that what we eat provides necessary nutrients for health.  In recent years, however, scientists are learning that what we eat has everything to do with mood, endurance, metabolism, development of chronic disease, sleep patterns, stress management and more.  That’s right!!  What we feed our bodies impacts our gut biome which can affect how we move through life!!  Whether you choose to be totally plant based (best option) or just bump up your consumption of plant powered foods, you will be filing up your tank with premium food to be your best self and live your best life!!  Need some recipes?  I got you!!


So, you didn’t fall off all your resolutions?!?!  Celebrate That!!!

Sometimes when we fall short of goals, we can be tempted to focus on the failings instead of the successes.

You didn’t go to bed at 10 BUT it wasn’t at Midnight!!

You didn’t drink all the water you planned to BUT you didn’t drink any soda!!!

You didn’t get to exercise at the gym BUT you found a class online and did that!!

You spent all of your clothing budget on that fabulous dress BUT you didn’t charge anything on your credit card!!!

Yippeee for all you did do!! Celebrate the ACCOMPLISHMENT!!  See how it makes you feel!!! You are one step closer to fully realizing what you really want to do.


Have you run out of energy/drive to accomplish your goals?

On my worst days, when I’m feeling like I cannot push another step forward, I am reminded of a Creator who formed me and gave me everything I need to become the person He wants me to be.  And, when I look at it that way, I am able to plug into the power that He provides…….not just for me, but for all of us. Then I start to live on purpose.

I purpose to start my day with Him.

I purpose to live His promises.

I purpose to trust Him, especially when things don’t turnout the way I was hoping.

I purpose to access the power from a well that never runs dry.

I purpose to share with someone else who’s power is failing.

Come On!!  You Got This!!  Get Back Up!!  Start Over!!! You’ll Make It!!  

Be sure to Pace Yourself!! HAPPY WELLNESS WEDNESDAY!!!

I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!


“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.”  Proverbs 24:16

“And, let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”  Hebrews 12:1

“The race is not to the swift.”  Ecclesiastes 9:11

“But I will sing of thy power.”  Psalm 59:16

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it.” Philippians 1:6

#paceyourself #newyear #resolutions #newyearresolutions #startinover #celebrateprogress #pileontheplantfoods #purpose #partner #power #cookinupgoodhealth #getup #runwithpatience #wellnesswednesday