You’ve Got The Power to Take Charge of Your Health!! Let’s Beat Breast Cancer!!
In a recent Instagram post, I talked about the importance of self-care to help reduce the risk of Breast Cancer. I shared it because sometimes it feels like you’re a piece of property being passed from provider to provider on a conveyer belt for treatment while you’re on the journey. But, we are whole persons with whole body systems and whole lives and whole families and jobs and stresses and other health challenges.
That realization hit me as I began to navigate the system for my own care. Not one time was I asked about what else was going on in my life. The focus was on finding the right doctor/team to provide surgery, chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, more chemotherapy, radiation and tamoxifen. And, that’s when I pulled back. As a public health educator, I was working with communities to empower them to take charge of their health. And, now I had to do the same.
I decided to do some research on my own and found out a lot of really great information. And then I came up with what I believe is a checklist for women generally and for women diagnosed with breast cancer. And, this list helps YOU to be the manager of your health care.
Visit our YouTube page to view this amazing Webinar that streamed to Celebrate my 25th Breast Cancer Anniversary.
✓Assemble a competent medical care team that respects YOU. Be sure to include Lifestyle Medicine experts, that see you as a whole person and give you tools for better health
✓Do your regular breast exams.
✓Get Your annual mammogram.
✓Check Your Family History
✓Get Second Opinions
✓Honestly look at your state of mental/emotional health/wellness. Stress can impact the risk of disease. Find a therapist to help walk you through your challenges/trauma/stress.
✓Get Active!! Exercise helps promote healthy weight and healthy hormone balance.
✓Eat a Plant Powered Diet. It provides phytochemicals and fiber which are key to good health and not found in any animal products. There are some great cookbooks here. And, consider the power of medicinal herbs.
✓Avoid Alcohol!! It increases estrogen levels and changes DNA.
✓Get plenty of good sleep. It helps the body to restore itself, build immunity and fight disease.
✓Spend time outdoors. It has amazing ability to improve the body’s immune system and fight disease.
✓Use water on the inside and outside. Internally it helps to rid the body of waste and support body systems. Externally it helps to stimulate circulation and improve blood cell production (hot baths/contrast showers).
✓Work towards balance in your life
✓Practice Self-Care. You are worth it.
✓Find friends/communities that support and celebrate you.
✓Focus on your Faith/Spiritual Belief System. A healthy spirit is like good medicine.
✓If diagnosed, look at ALL of your options. Make YOUR best choice. Nurture ALL parts of yourself on your Journey. Be YOUR own Best Advocate!!
✓ Get Well Girl!! You will definitely have Somethin’ To Shout About!!!
You’ve Got The Power!!
Take Charge of Your HEALTH!!
Let’s Beat Breast Cancer!!
It’s First Thursday Yawl!!
I’m Still Shoutin’ Ova Here!!
#breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastcancersurvivor #LetsBeatBreastCancer #lifestylemedicine #beatthedrum #youvegotthepower #cookinupgoodhealth #firstthursday #plantpowered #imasurvivor #beatingtheodds